Managing finances can be a stressful endeavor if you don’t have tools in place that help you meet your goals and build the financial future you desire. There are a lot of options and apps to manage different aspects of your financial life. There can be a lot of trial and error involved to discover which tools and functions work best given your situation.

I have tried so many different tools, some I hate and others than I love. In today’s blog post, I want to share four of the tools I use daily that I find indispensable. Hopefully, sharing these tools will save you some time and provide some value.

Tool #1: Qaptial
This tool is AWESOME for people who want to save for specific goals, and have a hard time deliberately setting aside the funds needed to make it happen. In the app, you can set specific savings goals and determine rules that trigger saving for these goals. It is very motivating to see a picture of what you are working towards, and watching the savings grow until the goal is achieved. Qapital also has options to set up a spending account much like a debit card. You can set a spending goal or target and monitor how much you have left to spend before reaching your goal. This can be an easy way to manage your disposable income if you have trouble sticking to a budget. The company seems to be growing and adding new features all the time.

Tool #2: EveryDollar
If you don’t have a budget, get one! I recommend EveryDollar as a great option to easily set your spending goals and track your spending in those categories. If you are trying to pay down debt or live paycheck to paycheck this app can help you reach your goals. You might be surprised at how much you spend in various categories. My best advice is don’t get too specific to start. If you have too many subcategories, budgeting can be quickly overwhelming and too much of a chore. Don’t focus on being perfect, the first few months you will need to make adjustments until you better understand how you use your money.

Tool #3: Acorns
Have you started saving for your future? Retirement? Wealth building? Are you confused on how to start? Don’t feel intimidated! Just try Acorns. It helps you get comfortable investing when you are starting out small, and it makes it easy. Saving can also be fun. Acorns has options to invest a set amount, round-up purchases on your connected accounts, or earn by using products and services that Acorns partners with that offer to invest in your account. This is free money for using services you probably already use!

Tool #4: Debitize
Do you like taking advantage of the perks your credit card offers, but want to make sure you don’t rack up balances?  Debitize tracks your credit card spending and deducts your purchases from a linked back account.  All the rewards without the risk.  Especially if you are one of those spenders that doesn’t realize how much you are charging until the bill arrives!  The app is totally free to use too.

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